To realize Industry 4.0, Modi Innovations has initiated three strategic phases
The first phase Achieve Sensorization and Automation of Shop Floors by implementation of Brown Field and Green Field Automation projects. Then facilitate a decentralised Machine to Machine (M2M) interaction capability within the shop floor equipment’s to achieve the seamless data integration at the shop floor level.
The second phase, Achieve Integration of Shop Floor Automation systems with the Manufacturing IT/OT systems with help of integration and convergence solutions and thus provide a seamless passage for the data to flow vertically through the different ISA 95 layers and also horizontally to achieve an integration of the different factory functions.
The final phase To bring all the Data at a centralised location for experts to analyse the data; apply data analytic techniques and convert data into intelligence and cognitive business actions and reap benefits from convergence of data into intelligence.
Datalogger a stand alone device that can read various types of electrical signals and store the data in internal memory for later download to a computer.
From the manufacturing to the processes undertaken to improve efficiency and effectiveness. We offers innovative solutions with the help of our hardware and software for plants to enhance the productivity and profitability of the companies.
Combined with our software and other picking and conveying solutions, We Modi innovations are great for a variety of industry segments including ecommerce and omnichannel facilities as well as third-party logistics and parts management
We Modi Innovations provide Asset tracking system. It tracks physical assets by scanning barcode labels. Assets can be tracked via manually scanning barcodes such as QR codes. QR codes can be scanned using smartphones
Traditional Utility management systems typically have stand-alone applications with separate monitoring and control stations for HVAC Controls, energy metering and power management, DG Set, water pumps, equipment and lighting.